From Heidi L. Sieck, #VOTEPROCHOICE <>
Subject We just lost birth control.
Date July 8, 2020 4:40 PM
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This is the height of misogyny, control, and oppression

Friend —

This morning, the Supreme Court eviscerated the Affordable Care Act's contraceptive mandate ([link removed]) , siding with the Trump Administration's policy that an employer can opt out of providing birth control if they have a "religious" or "moral" objection.

As Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg notes in her dissent, where she was joined by Justice Sonia Sotomayor, today's decision means that between 70,500 and 126,400 women and queer folx will "immediately lose access to no-cost contraceptive services." This is a huge blow to personal autonomy and reproductive freedom in America.
Let's be clear: Your birth control is NOT your boss' business.

Giving employers the power to dictate our reproductive decisions is especially cruel during a global pandemic when the majority of Americans live in an area that's hostile to abortion rights.

Hundreds of thousands of people will be affected by this case, and often those with the fewest resources to begin with are the ones most likely to carry the burden of being denied healthcare and reproductive services.

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Mothers need contraceptives to plan their families, students need birth control to finish their education, and people with conditions like endometriosis need birth control to preserve their health.

Instead, the Supreme Court, alongside the Trump Administration, decided that publicly traded companies and universities can force people to give birth against their will due to unaffordable medications.
Our need to vote for prochoice champions in 2020 is more urgent than ever. ([link removed])
Access to contraception, abortion, and other reproductive services is foundational to our ability to make decisions for ourselves and exercise freedom over our own bodies.
Our prochoice nation will not stand for continued attacks of misogyny, governmental control, and patriarchal oppression. We need leaders in office who understand the gravity of this moment.

The fight is not over. Together, we're going to win.

In solidarity,
Heidi L. Sieck

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