
Much like Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi made her fortune in the real estate business. Also like Trump, her choices as a government official have helped protect & expand that fortune.

Pelosi’s real estate holdings include luxury hotels—including the Napa Valley El Dorado, a 27-room hotel that employs six people. A holding company co-owned by Paul Pelosi, EDI, received a “small business” loan from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) approved by the House of Representatives.

Publicly released information indicates that the loan was for more than $350,000, amounting to more than $58,000 per employee.

Congress should legislate to address social needs, not to create mechanisms for wealthy public officials to "borrow" from public funds intended to help mom-and-pop businesses squeak by. Can you help expand our campaign to replace Pelosi?

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what’s going on here.

This is why Nancy Pelosi repeatedly supports Trump’s worst bills, while pretending to oppose him before the public. The alignment among their interests overrides Pelosi's forgotten loyalty to party, principle, and We the People.

Plenty of other public figures were exposed when these PPP numbers were released, including several Republicans, Kanye West, and Trump himself. But that doesn’t excuse Pelosi’s behavior, especially when she leads the opposition party.

We’ve got Pelosi on the ropes. She’s still ducking debates, but we're successfully exposing her as Trump’s most effective enabler in Congress. Can you chip in to help us liberate Congress and unleash real opposition to our criminal president?

Politicians shouldn’t profit from their elected offices. If you agree, let’s take back Nancy Pelosi’s seat in Congress for people of San Francisco.

Thanks for standing with us!


PS -- Unable to contribute financially? You can still make a big difference in our campaign by signing up to volunteer. Our team hosts training sessions via videoconference every other day, and has trained nearly a thousand volunteers in the past few weeks on our new phone banking tools. We're eager to include you & your friends!

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