As the long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic come into focus, it’s clear that this crisis is yet another example of the shameful truth about growing up in America: our children of color and children living in poverty are being hit the hardest.
Injustices built into our health care, education, housing, and economic systems are being magnified by the crisis, leaving vulnerable families to fight parallel deadly pandemics—COVID-19 and systemic racism.
John, please make sure children get the help they need right now by making a gift to the Children in Crisis Fund. We’re fighting every day to make sure children have what they need to survive this crisis by:
You can help children in need right now by donating today to the Children in Crisis Fund. As challenging as this crisis has been, we know our nation will make it through. With your help, we can ensure all our nation’s children will, too.
Thank you for standing up for children, today and always. Gratefully,
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