John, One of the memories that will forever be seared into my brain is the day I stood at the steps of the United States Supreme Court and heard the news that my future marriage would finally be recognized in every state in the union.


One of the memories that will forever be seared into my brain is the day I stood at the steps of the United States Supreme Court and heard the news that my future marriage would finally be recognized in every state in the union.

We’ve made so much progress for LGBTQ rights over the last few decades, but we also clearly have more work to do—especially when it comes to the safety of trans people and queer people of color.

That’s why the Minnesota DFL’s annual LGBTQ Leadership Event on Tuesday, July 21 is so meaningful to me personally, and I hope you’ll take time to join us by attending and/or joining our cohost list today.

Because this is a virtual event, we get the chance to hear from LGBTQ leaders across the country, including Chasten Buttigieg, Danica Roem, Reggie Greer, and Angie Craig.

Every contribution toward this event will go directly into the DFL’s organizing efforts on the ground here in Minnesota to ensure we flip the State Senate, re-elect Senator Tina Smith, and make Donald Trump a one-term president. Tickets are limited, so please act quickly, I wouldn’t want you to miss out on this unique opportunity.


Don’t forget: If you’re an eligible Minnesota voter, you can attend this event for free by using your Political Contribution Refund Program (PCR). If you haven’t used your 2020 PCR, you can use it toward the purchase of your ticket.

Thank you, as always, for your steadfast support of the DFL, and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Tyler Blackmon
Finance Director
Minnesota DFL