Hi ,Every day, the Trump administration spews more and more lies to the American people. It doesn’t feel like it would be over-exaggerated to say that “every minute.” This orange buffoon and his gang of cronies has dedicated every waking moment to undermining American democracy, sowing seeds of division amongst our people, and waging an all-out war against If you are wondering what your donation to our campaign is actually accomplishing, that is exactly what we are fighting against. We’ve had four years of nothing but lies and misinformation from the Trump administration. Whether it’s the size of his crowds, the amount of COVID-19 testing that is being done, his asking other countries The Washington Post’s “Trump Claims Database” shows that he has made over 19,000 false or misleading claims since assuming office. Yes. Over 19,000 lies. Furthermore, for all of their grandstanding, the Democrats seem to be unwilling or incapable of uniting the left to create the Progressive future that we need more today than ever before. Where are the conversations and solutions to the radical inequality that plagues our society? Where are the actual plans to take action in the face of climate change that threatens to destroy our entire world This is what your donation goes toward. We are a campaign of proud workers who are tired of seeing our class be manipulated and exploited. We are tired of seeing a noticeable lack of care from our corrupt government about the well-being of the people in our communities. It has to stop. You aren’t just donating to a fanciful idea. You’re donating to a campaign that has the traction, expertise, and the track record necessary to retake our government and make sure that it’s working for every one of us. Times are tough and it pains us to have to ask you to donate, but the reality is that this may be the last chance that the American people have to take back their control of the electoral process. We are running out of time and the election will be here before you know it. It’s time to take action and stand up Trump. Stand up to Trump by making a donation (average of $27) today. In solidarity, Team HowieSpread the word and encourage as many people as possible to sign up for emails from our campaign at HowieHawkins.us.