Animal Assisted Therapy is the practice where animals are partnered with a client in goal directed treatment sessions. Animals are often a part of a child’s world already, through books, stuffed animals or a pet of their own, so including them in treatment sessions can provide comfort to a child. In fact, research shows us that Animal Assisted Therapy or Animal Assisted Intervention has shown to have a multitude of positive outcomes for individuals healing from trauma including a reduction in trauma symptoms and a more positive interaction between a child and therapist.  
“Children who have experienced abusive trauma are often afraid of being blamed or judged because they may feel like the abuse is their fault. This is a tremendous burden to bear, and an animal who has no hidden agenda, judgement and nothing but unconditional love, is a huge comfort for that child. Unfortunately, unconditional love is not always something that children we serve have experienced in life.” 
--Diana Davis, Director of Clinical Services at Alliance For Children
Alliance For Children has three “in house” bunnies-Simba, Hazel and Olive. Children can really relate to bunnies because they are prey animals; it takes them a while to trust others and to know that they are not going to be harmed. Our bunnies allow therapists to have important conversations with children regarding trust and the importance of building healthy boundaries. 
Alliance For Children also has the privilege of collaborating with volunteer dog handlers and their furry companions who are specially trained, certified and insured as therapy animals. Many of our clinical therapists have noticed successful outcomes in utilizing animals in therapy. When a child begins interacting with the animal, their defenses are immediately lessened, allowing them to feel more comfortable sharing their story and feelings during a counseling session.
We invite you to support our work in rescuing hope, restoring trust, and rebuilding lives for child abuse victims and their families.