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Dear Fellow Patriot, 

Doug Jones is a failure to the great state of Alabama, and the great principles of the United States. 

Recently, he voted for Kamal Harris’ amendment to rename all military institutions, everyone, named after Confederate soldiers. 

He wants to erase Alabamian and American history and strip any respect for the soldiers who fought in that monumental war. I oppose that.

I cannot say I am surprised by Sen. Jones’ actions. Overwhelmingly, his support comes from the out of town bastions of Liberalism. 

He is ALL IN for the far-left Silicon Valley, the Wall Street elite and the Democratic Party ACTIVISTS.

His appeal is to the radical leftists on the coasts, not Alabamians.

He is working tirelessly to successfully raise millions from them. 

He is well Prepared and EXTREMELY well-funded. He will have the most money in this race.

But, he is terrified of me.

I am a born and bred Alabamian, and I am unwilling to sacrifice our heritage and tradition to appease the far-left mob.

 I know him, his left wing Democratic Party beliefs and how to expose him.

I am asking you today to contribute to my campaign and make sure we run this Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Democrat, out of Alabama for good in November

Doug Jones is an interim Senator who won a fluke election. 

He is toast come November, and he knows it. 

That is why he is so desperately trying to appeal to powerful far-left interests outside of Alabama, hoping that he can buy this election. 

But I will not let that happen. I know Alabama, I know Doug Jones and I know how to win this race. With your help, we will take this Senate seat back and preserve the Senate Majority.

Still, we should not be complacent. 

A contribution of $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, or anything you can afford today will ensure that Alabama flips this Senate seat back to Red, where it rightfully should be

Thank you in advance for your generosity.

For America,

Jeff Sessions

Republican for U.S. Senate (Alabama)

P.S. Doug Jones is powerfully supported by far-left interests in Silicon Valley, who stand against the great principles of the people of Alabama.

Make sure his tenure as interim Senator ends in November by contributing to my campaign today

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