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On Friday, President Trump signed an Executive Order to protect federal monuments and statues. The EO mandates that those who damage our monuments on federal property are to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and face up to 10 years in prison. State and local jurisdictions that fail to protect federal monuments and statues on their territory face losing federal funding. According to the White House, the Department of Justice has arrested more than 100 anarchists for rioting and destruction of federal property, and four men have been charged for attempting to take down the monument of President Andrew Jackson at Lafayette Square in Washington, D.C. President Trump has also tweeted out wanted posters of people who have attempted to tear down monuments. 
Antifa and other far-left anarchists are trying to destroy our nation’s history. We have seen memorials and statues of our nation’s historic figures torn down across the country over the last month. Monuments of leaders from President George Washington to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. have either been destroyed or defaced in the far left’s attempt to rewrite our history. President Trump promised during the 2016 campaign that he would never allow that to happen, and he is a man of his word. This Executive Order is aimed at restoring the rule of law – picking up where the previous administration failed. As long as President Trump is in office, our nation’s legacy will be preserved and revered. As he tweeted yesterday, “In reality, they’re not after me. They’re after you. I’m just in the way.” 
President Trump’s Coronavirus Response: In yet another example of President Trump’s bold leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government has now acquired more than 500,000 treatment courses of the therapeutic remdesivir. As Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar described it, remdesivir is the “first authorized therapeutic for COVID-19” and can reduce the length of a hospital stay by a third. Over the past few months, President Trump has acted quickly to help Americans endure this crisis. He signed the Paycheck Protection Program into law saving tens of millions of American jobs, initiated Operation Warp Speed to create a vaccine by the end of the year, and worked with the private sector to ensure that no one who needed a ventilator went without one.
 Despite what confused former Vice President Joe Biden may say, President Trump has acted quickly and decisively to save jobs and save lives. The president is doing everything in his power to protect the American people. In a move that Biden ignorantly called xenophobic at the time, President Trump banned travel from China in late January, when it was obvious that the coronavirus was spreading throughout the communist country. That decision alone likely saved tens of thousands of American lives. The president has fought to safeguard Americans from day one and will continue to do so for as long as he is in office. The media may never give him credit, but President Trump has shown what true leadership looks like throughout this global crisis. 
Biden’s Tax Hike: During a virtual fundraiser on Monday, presumptive Democratic nominee and former Vice President Joe Biden said that he is “going to get rid of the bulk of Trump’s $2 trillion tax cut” if he is elected president. In that same fundraiser, Biden said he would raise the corporate tax rate to 28 percent. By signing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, President Trump lowered the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent, and the Child Tax Credit was doubled from $1,000 to $2,000 per child. 
President Trump’s tax cuts gave millions of families more of their hard-earned money back. Vice President Biden may not realize it from his basement, but a few thousand dollars more can make a huge difference to middle class families. The tax cuts have greatly strengthened our economy, allowing it to withstand a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic. The fact that he would openly admit to scheming to get rid of the president’s tax cuts shows how out of touch Biden really is with the American people. Joe Biden should be encouraging Democrats to work with President Trump to pass even further tax cuts – not the exact opposite. 
Wisconsin Looking Good: In a new poll released by the Trafalgar Group earlier this week, President Trump is leading former Vice President Joe Biden in Wisconsin by 45.5 percent to 44.6 percent. As we mentioned last week, the Trafalgar Group has President Trump and Biden virtually tied in Michigan. These polls are significant as the Trafalgar Group was the only pollster to predict President Trump’s victories in Michigan and Pennsylvania in 2016. It is also the only pollster that predicted the victories of Republicans Ron DeSantis and Rick Scott in Florida in 2018. In 2016, President Trump became the first Republican presidential candidate to win Wisconsin since 1984. 
Despite what Vice President Biden and many in the mainstream media may tell you, Americans in the Rust Belt continue to rally behind President Trump. Joe Biden likes to claim that he is a champion of the working class, but Americans know that is far from the truth. Biden supports the Green New Deal which would cost America more than 3 million jobs. Biden wants to erase President Trump’s tax cuts that gave Americans thousands of dollars of their heard-earned money back. Biden is also the candidate who has championed the needs of illegal immigrants over that of American citizens and law-abiding immigrants. Americans in the Rust Belt know who their champion is – President Trump. 
Mount Rushmore and 4th of July: On Friday, President Trump will be visiting Mount Rushmore to witness special Independence Day fireworks. This is the first time Mount Rushmore has featured a fireworks show since 2009. President Trump’s administration lifted restrictions previously barring fireworks in the area. The president is also expected to deliver remarks at the event. On Saturday, President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will be celebrating Independence Day with a “Salute to America” event hosted at the White House, which will be honoring our veterans and active military. 
 As Independence Day approaches, we would just like to take a moment to honor our brave men and women who have selflessly fought for our freedom. Throughout the last 250 years, countless Americans have bravely sacrificed their lives so that we can live free of tyranny. Thank you for all that you have done. Without your bravery, we wouldn’t be here today. 
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