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Dear Fellow Patriot, 

Alabamians recognize cowardice when they see it, and that is not what they want from their next U.S. Senator. They are asking who Tommy Tuberville is. He is hiding his beliefs from the people of Alabama, and lives in Florida.

My campaign is surging in the polls thanks to weak Tommy Tuberville’s refusal to debate me in public: or even discuss the issues or even reveal principles.

I have a long career record of defending the America First principles even before President Trump was elected. 

On the other hand, Tommy Tuberville is weak on China, wrong on immigration, wrong on trade. He wants to continue mass migration programs that have deprived millions of American workers of jobs, opposes President Trump’s China policy. These are his words, “President Trump is going after China every day. I really don’t agree with that.”

As my campaign surges, I need your support. 

With about one month left before the primary election, I am asking you to contribute to my America First campaign so I can make sure to expose Tommy Tuberville for the RINO he is.

The GOP Establishment and “the Masters of the Universe,” as I named them, are counting on Tommy to be their boy. 

But the American People and the people of Alabama know me can count on me to work with President Trump and put America First. 

So, chip into my campaign today and show the leftist and the GOP Establishment that you will not support another feckless coward.

We need real leadership, real change, and real toughness during these trying times. 

Tommy Tuberville has proven himself to be weak and unwilling to even stand up for his own beliefs. He is hiding. 

He won’t debate me, and now we clearly see that he will not debate Chuck Schumer and the radical Democrats like Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris.

The choice is clear.

Contribute $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, or anything you can afford up to $2800 today, and help me defeat this RINO so I can help President Trump put America First in the U.S. Senate.

Thank you in advance for your generosity. 

For America,

Jeff Sessions

Republican for U.S. Senate (Alabama)

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