July 7, 2020
Last night SHARK's groundbreaking video from our 5-week-long investigation of Kentucky cockfights was covered in the media and our video was released on Facebook!
Watch the news story HERE
Watch our video HERE
Not only was SHARK able to capture dramatic footage of cruelty and corruption, but thanks to our efforts, all three of the cockfights we went after have been shut down, saving thousands of lives!
SHARK investigators infiltrated a number of cockfights and documented hours of horrific animal cruelty
When we undertook this mission (with financial help from our partners at the Humane Farming Association), we knew we were going into potentially dangerous areas, but we also knew how important is was to get this video so the public would see not only the disgusting cruelty committed at cockfights, but how local police were aiding and protecting the illegal events (see picture below of police cavorting with cockfighters at the Laurel Creek Game Club in Clay County).
First, please contact KY Governor Andy Beshear requesting that he launch investigations into the sheriff’s departments of Butler, Clay, and McCreary Counties and additionally the State Police. Governor Beshear should also lead legislators to strengthen KY’s cockfighting laws.
Second, please support SHARK. This was an expensive campaign and we were only able to make this happen with the financial support of HFA. While we appreciate their help, that's not how things should be.
This is just one more in a long line of examples that shows not only how important SHARK's work is, but how unique and powerful a force SHARK is for the animals. Nobody has done more to stop rodeos, pigeon shoots, canned hunts and now cockfighting as well as the many other campaigns SHARK have taken on saving millions of animal lives. No one does what SHARK does, but without financial support, we are limited to what we can do.
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Kindest Regards,
Steve Hindi and Your SHARK Team