From Nydia Velázquez <[email protected]>
Subject Add your name as a citizen co-sponsor of the Justice in Policing Act!
Date July 7, 2020 9:43 PM
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Across the nation, people of all races and backgrounds are standing up to say they've had enough of the senseless and intentional taking of Black lives.

House and Senate Democrats have responded with the Justice in Policing Act -- a broad package of actionable reforms that honor the memories of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless others by working to end the failures in our justice system that have led to the senseless killing of black Americans by the police. Will you add your name to become a citizen co-sponsor of the Justice in Policing Act? >>> [[link removed]]

[ADD YOUR NAME] >>> [[link removed]]

This bill is an important step in the fight to stop unjust policing tactics that have been over-implemented in Black communities across the country. It must end now. Sign your name to help ensure that this time is different. >>> [[link removed]]

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