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Dear John,

Senator Mark Warner is a public servant on a mission. As the lead Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Mark has fought hard to investigate foreign interference in our election, a role that has made him a target of President Trump's supporters.

It's absolutely essential that we send him back to the Senate.

Mark doesn't back away from a tough fight; he won his last election in 2014 by less than one percent. Just yesterday, Scott Taylor, a former Republican congressman, who voted with Donald Trump 98 percent of the time, announced that he's going to challenge Mark.

We can't take any chances in 2020 -- control of the Senate is too important. Will you help keep Senator Mark Warner in the Senate in 2020 by making a donation to his campaign?

A former governor and business leader, Mark is committed to serving Virginians by making affordable health care accessible to more families, protecting those with pre-existing conditions, and making sure our economy works for everyone.

If Scott Taylor wins, he'll be another vote for President Trump's extreme agenda of pushing through unqualified judges, supporting repealing the Affordable Care Act, and leaving our elections vulnerable to foreign interference.

This is a must-win race if we want to take back the Senate and hold Trump and Republicans accountable. So I'm asking: will you make a donation to Mark Warner's campaign to help keep Virginia blue?

Thank you,

Chris Coons

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