
Seven days from now, we'll know Doug Jones' opponent.

It's either going to be Tommy Tuberville (a football coach who admitted he "wouldn't have a clue" how to take on the coronavirus) or Jeff Sessions, whose only strategy is whatever appeases far-right extremists.

We've always known that after the runoff election next week, the winner would step up his attacks on Doug. But one group just showed their hand: one shadowy group has reserved over $1.2 million in TV time to attack Doug starting next week, and another announced their plans just yesterday.

Doug needs your help to fight back while he's hard at work in Washington fighting to protect our lives and livelihoods. Can you pitch in and make sure we can respond to the attacks?

It's no coincidence that the attacks on Doug have stepped up. McConnell and his allies are seeing the same polling we see. They know Doug's in a dead heat right now and our path to victory is getting wider every day. They are getting desperate.

We can win this but we need your help. In the face of all Mitch McConnell's dark money, a few dollars might not seem like it can do very much. But you aren't alone. Did you know that in June alone, over 28,000 of you pitched in online? If everyone reading this email gave $3 right now we'd have more than enough to re-elect Doug Jones.

Let's go win this.

Joe Trippi
Doug Jones for Senate



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