July 2019 was the hottest month in recorded history, friends. There is no question whatsoever that the reckless burning of carbon is driving up temperatures, but the fossil fuel lobby continues to spend tens of millions of dollars to prop up an extremist ideology that has brought us to the brink of catastrophe.

Right now, a quarter of the planet is facing water shortages. Our food supply is under threat. Lightning and wildfires besiege the Arctic. Congressional action in the form of carbon pricing is our best hope of addressing this challenge, yet it's a non-starter for lawmakers at the beck and call of dreadful special interests.

It's past time for Congress to wake up, reject the toxic dark money suffocating climate action and bring rising temperatures to heel before it's too late. I started Oceans PAC to do just that. Every contribution to this important initiative goes toward electing leaders who will take the fossil fuel lobby head on, reverse the obscene Citizens United decision, and make political funding disclosure the law of the land.

I can't do that alone, friends – so I'm asking for your support today: Will you donate $5 to Oceans PAC to elect climate champions and defeat the special interests pushing their planet-wrecking agenda?

The Trump administration is packed with stooges and crooks. It's a morass of bad ideas, backroom deals, and profiteers.

We can't let the special interests win another round in this fight. There's too much riding on concerted action to let Trump and his band of merry crooks engage in another four years of climate lunacy.

Every contribution to Oceans PAC helps elect lawmakers who will stand up to Donald Trump and the fossil fuel lobby. Please donate $5 or more today to join me in this fight.

Thank you for your support,
