
We’re officially halfway through 2020, and only four months away from November’s general election and our chance to elect Carolyn Long to Congress.

Carolyn’s motivation for running is to give Southwest Washingtonians a representative who actively listens, engages, and acts on behalf of their constituents. So every month, she wants to hear what issues are at the top of your mind.

This July, we’re still facing a surge in coronavirus cases across the country, along with GOP attacks on our health care in the courts. Not only that, but we’re dealing with elections in a whole different way this year and need to ensure every voter has the ability to make their voice heard safely.

Whether it’s health care, jobs, our environment, or something else, Carolyn wants to know what issue most concerns you right now. Take our quick July Issue Survey now to let her know >>

Carolyn looks forward to reading your responses every month so she can take your thoughts with her to Congress if we come together and Flip the 3rd this November.

Thanks for sharing!

– Team Long