Transforming physicians into advocates through our Leadership Training Academy.
Email from Physicians for Reproductive Health

Dear John,

We are seeing every day in our communities that collective action works, and it matters. Change requires showing up, learning, and working daily to address deep-rooted injustices in our society—including in health care.

For the past year, our staff witnessed the transformation of 40 physicians into 40 dedicated advocates committed to advancing better reproductive health care for all.

These advocates are part of our Leadership Training Academy Class of 2020, our most diverse class of Fellows to date—from medical specialty and geographic location, to race/ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity. Of the 40 Fellows, 28 identify as people of color and 11 identify as part of the LGBTQ community.

LTA Class of 2020 in Washington, DC

Over nine months, Fellows gained skills to effectively advocate for patients facing barriers to accessing health care through a reproductive justice framework. Equally, they engaged in anti-racism work and developed strategies for addressing a health care system that has perpetuated racism for centuries.

From national outlets to local papers, these Fellows have: advocated for accessible and affordable health care for all, stated the facts about reproductive health and COVID-19, called out dangerous abortion bans, shared the realities of providing gender affirming care during a pandemic, and so much more.

We’re able to continue providing the training and resources these physicians need to fight for all of us only with the support of people like you.

This new generation of advocates, who bring the Academy network to nearly 400 physicians, is now mobilized across the country to fight for the health care all of us deserve.

We’re deeply proud to serve as their forever home for advocacy, and thank you for your continued support of this work.  

In solidarity and partnership,

Signature of Taylor Rose Ellsworth

Taylor Rose Ellsworth
Director, Education, Research & Training