Dear John --
Over the past few weeks, we have seen a national reckoning for the centuries of racial inequality, discrimination and brutality suffered by the Black community. In San Francisco, our community has peacefully protested the wrongful murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police. San Franciscans from all across this great city have risen up and spoken out against the systematic racism and injustice still running rampant in our country.
Like many San Franciscans, Supervisor Ahsha Safai is taking a stand against this injustice and has proven his commitment to bringing change for the betterment of San Francisco. He has exhibited a willingness to address the needs and concerns of San Franciscans by engaging with community members and various stakeholders to, among other things, overhaul the Criminal Justice system. In 2018, he demonstrated this commitment to reform by selecting two individuals to the Police Commission with proven track records of safeguarding individual rights in indigent and underserved communities.
Throughout his time as a public servant in San Francisco, Ahsha has worked hard to dismantle systems that disproportionately affect youth and families of color. In 2019, Ahsha co-signed and voted for legislation to close down Juvenile Hall by 2021 and reallocate $13 million in funds to community programs and rehabilitation efforts for troubled youth. These community programs and rehabilitation efforts will create several opportunities for education, mental health rehabilitation, and job-training programs, leading to a safer and better San Francisco.
Additionally, in 2020, Ahsha voted to approve legislation requiring the expedited closure of County Jail Number 4 at 850 Bryant Street, as well as, supporting the proposed resolution preventing the San Francisco Police Department from hiring anyone with a history of misconduct or racist behavior.
Ahsha has demonstrated a unique ability to bring leaders from across the ideological spectrum together to get things done. At a time when many in our city and our country are calling for action and greater investment in our communities, Ahsha is the leader we need. I am proud to give him my support.
In Solidarity,
Cindy Elias
Paid for by Ahsha Safaí for Supervisor 2020 • FPPC #1378961
Financial disclosures are available at sfethics.org <[link removed]>.
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