Hello —

One week ago, we had an election in Colorado. There were no long lines, no safety risks, and the highest turnout ever in a primary election.

How did we do it? It’s simple: every eligible voter in Colorado received a ballot in the mail.

When I was Governor, we signed universal vote-by-mail into law. In seven years, we’ve seen turnout increase, costs go down, and even been called “the safest state to cast a vote.” The New York Times called our election last week “almost too good to be true.”

We need universal vote-by-mail in every state across the country. If you agree, sign my petition now.

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Across the nation in states like Wisconsin and Georgia, we saw people waiting in line for hours to cast a ballot — in the middle of a pandemic. It was voter suppression, plain and simple.

In order to keep our families, our communities, and our democracy safe, we need universal vote by mail. It’s not just the right thing to do, it’s incredibly popular among Democrats AND Republicans!

No American should have to choose between their safety and their right to vote. Sign my petition to demand the election in November be conducted by mail.

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There’s too much at stake in this election. We can beat Cory Gardner, flip the Senate, and bring change to Washington — but we’ve got to make it safe and easy to vote.

Colorado has proven that vote by mail works. Let’s get it done across the country.

Thank you,

— John