If she’s not busy referring to Minnesota as racist or calling our law enforcement officers “inherently dangerous,” Senator Tina Smith has been calling for “justice, accountability, and reform.”
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If she’s not busy referring to Minnesota as racist or calling our law enforcement officers “inherently dangerous,” Senator Tina Smith has been calling for “justice, accountability, and reform.” 

Here’s the problem:

- She voted to BLOCK Senator Tim Scott’s and Congressman Pete Stauber’s police reform bill. 

- Her idea of justice means burning down cities and looting businesses.

- Her idea of accountability is empty words and turning a blind eye to crime.

And when given the opportunity to actually reform the police, she decided not to because it did not match up with her Leftist agenda.

Appointed Senator Tina Smith has been anything but a leader during the time when we needed one most. 

That is why we need to elect Jason Lewis, a man who has the complete endorsement of President Trump and has been fighting tooth and nail to put the people of Minnesota FIRST.
Make a donation today and help send Chuck Schumer’s handpicked radical Senator Tina Smith packing this November!

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Any sized contribution will help spread our pro-law enforcement, pro-jobs, and pro-America message as we stand strong in this battle against the Unhinged Left. 

Thank you for your action, 

Team Lewis

Paid for by Jason Lewis for Senate

Jason Lewis for Senate
PO Box 4515
St. Paul, MN 55104

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