Hey there,
As you know, AMAZE.org provides animated sex ed videos for free online, and is used by parents and in schools across the country. But part of why AMAZE videos are so successful, is because real young people provide advice on video ideas, content and new initiatives. They're called AMAZE Youth Ambassadors, and the search for our next cohort is underway!
We’re looking for young people (ages 10-16) across the country who will advise AMAZE.org on video content and serve as peer-to-peer health educators. If that's you, your child, or could be someone you know, tell them to sign up for an information session here: bit.ly/AYAInfoSession
Information sessions will be held on Monday, July 13th at 6:00pm EDT and Tuesday, July 14th at 4:00pm EDT. Young people who attend information sessions will then be sent the application.
Would you consider helping us spread the word? Social graphics and more information is below!
If you have any questions, simply reply to this email!
Thanks so much!
Shazmin Taylor
Social & Web Manager
AMAZE.org, a project of Advocates for Youth