7th July 2020
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Have you registered for Webinar with Congressman Chris Smith, Deputy Carol Nolan and others this Saturday? There's still time to participate!
There's still time to register for the webinar with Congressman Chris Smith, Deputy Carol Nolan and Senator Rónán Mullen this Saturday, 11th July. You can register instantly here 

We are thrilled that we will be joined by Congressman Chris Smith at our PLC Network Webinar this Saturday. A long time advocate for human rights and human dignity, Chris Smith represents New Jersey in Congress.  He has served as a member of the US Delegation to the UN General Assembly and has focused much of his career on human rights land anti-human trafficking legislation as well as leading human rights missions to other countries.

We will also be joined by Deputy Carol Nolan and Senator Rónán Mullen at this event as well as Grassroots pro-life activists and panellists.

Don't miss this event which will delve into how we can effect real change on the pro-life issue through political engagement and will include panel discussions, spotlights on projects, polls, interaction with participants and more! 

The event is FREE but pre-registration is essential.   

You can register instantly here

First elected in 1980, U.S. Representative Chris Smith is currently in his 20th term in the U.S. House of Representatives.  He serves in the Fourth Congressional District of New Jersey. He is a senior member on the Foreign Affairs Committee and also serves as a Ranking Member of its Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations Subcommittee.  He also serves as Special Representative on Human Trafficking for the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.

Chris Smith grew up in New Jersey. He graduated the College of New Jersey with a degree in Business Administration. Chris served as Executive Director of the New Jersey Right to Life Committee. Chris has also long chaired a number of cross-party congressional groups including  Pro-Life, Autism,  Alzheimer’s, Human Trafficking and refugees.

He is one of the best known political advocates for the right to life of unborn children and support of their mothers in the world. Chris and his wife Marie have a grown up family and live in New Jersey.

Join Congressman Smith on Saturday for this interactive event.  

You can register instantly here

Deputy Carol Nolan represents the constituency of Laois-Offaly. Carol voted against legislation sanctioning the holding of a referendum to repeal the Eighth Amendment in 2018. For doing this she was suspended from her political party. She successfully contested the 2020 General Election as an independent candidate.

Carol spoke strongly in favour of humane amendments to the abortion legislation in late 2018 and has been a resolute advocate for the rights of unborn babies and their mothers in Dáil Éireann.

Carol is married to Gerard and along with their two children, they live in Co. Offaly. 

Join Carol and others on Saturday for this interactive event.  

You can register instantly here

Senator Rónán Mullen is a Barrister and represents the NUI Constituency in Seanad Éireann. He was elected for the fourth time this year topping the poll and getting elected on the first count.

Rónán has always emphasised issues including the right to life, protections for the victims of human trafficking and support for end-of-life care.   As an independent member of the Irish parliamentary delegation to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, he an other members tabled amendments to protect unborn children and were vocal on behalf of migrants’ human rights, freedom of conscience and victims of human trafficking. 

Rónán was appointed Rapporteur on ‘The Provision of Palliative Care in Europe’, a report commissioned by the Committee on Social Affairs, Health, and Sustainable Development of the Council of Europe. His report on the Provision of Palliative Care in Europe was unanimously adopted by the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly in November 2018.

He was very vocal during the debates on the recent abortion legislation in the Seanad and continues to speak up for human dignity issues at home and abroad.

Rónán is from a small farming background and is currently based at home in Co. Galway where he helps cares for his father. 

Join Rónán and others on Saturday for this interactive event.  

You can register instantly here

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