From ADL Education <[email protected]>
Subject Learn about ADL’s New Civics Curriculum with an Anti-bias Perspective 7/9 Webinar
Date July 7, 2020 2:07 PM
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Join us on Thursday, July 9 @ 7:00 PM ET for an introduction to ADL&rsquo;s new high school curriculum Strengthening Our Democracy: Civic Participation in the 21st Century and Bites Media, a news and information platform for middle and high school students. Find out how educators and students can access ADL&rsquo;s lessons along with vetted multimedia news articles that connect civic learning to current events.

Combining the pillars of civic and anti-bias education, ADL&rsquo;s civics curriculum provides teachers with a blueprint for transforming traditional classrooms into powerful learning laboratories that focus squarely on student understanding&mdash;understanding better the role of government, the responsibility of freedom, the threats to democracy, the ideals on which America was formed, our role as individual voters and voices, and our own ability to make a difference in a democratic republic.

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