Dear John,
In one of the hundreds of American communities where hunger is rampant, a social worker knocked on a door to deliver a package of food. On seeing the box of food, the woman at the door burst into tears.
Why? Because it was her son’s birthday. And there was not a lick of food in the house. That box of food changed everything, at least for one day. That in a nutshell is the difference you make when you support No Kid Hungry.
Your compassionate support is helping put food in the hands of kids and families like this one who might otherwise go without... thank you!
Because of the pandemic, this summer is different — quieter and perhaps lonelier — for many of us.
As we celebrate Independence Day, we're grateful for bravery and patriotism in the form of caring people across the country. We celebrate caring people like you joining forces to turn back the tidal wave of childhood hunger. We celebrate the heroic volunteers and school workers who are risking illness and giving up sleep to make sure no child in their community goes without a meal.
John, our children are missing out on so much this year. And the uncertain future can be overwhelming. We can’t make the virus go away and we can’t fix the broken economy overnight. But thanks to you, we can give a child the stability and certainty of knowing that today and tomorrow, they’ll have enough food to eat.
Thank you for your generous and compassionate help.
With warm regards,

Amy Zganjar Team No Kid Hungry