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National Secular Society

How faith school are spreading without scrutiny or consultation



Today we've published analysis on the worrying lack of transparency surrounding new faith schools in England, along with nineteen new local campaign pages. The government have refused to publish the applications of faith based free schools under consideration because they want these decisions to be "free from speculation and lobbying" by local, community or civil society groups.

It's unacceptable for faith schools to be approved without any open consultation or scrutiny, and without any opportunity to make the case for inclusive community-ethos alternatives.

We need your help to scrutinise these proposals. Please check out our analysis and local information to see if what you can do about any faith schools proposed near you.

Thank you very much for your support.

Kind regards,

Alastair Lichten
NMFS campaign coordinator


Update on events


We are continuing to update our events page with information on events rescheduled or moved online due to lockdown. We are hoping to run a full events programme in 2021, four have already been scheduled, so if your local group is interested in having a speaker, please get in touch.

Write to your MP Campaign Locally Myth Buster