In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.
Banning religious services may have been illegal but other restrictions imposed by the government in England during the coronavirus lockdown were legitimate, a high court judge has ruled.
An emergency relaxation of abortion rules to allow women to take pills at home during the coronavirus pandemic could be made permanent, according to the Government.
A former senior Police Service of Northern Ireland officer is to lead a Stormont-ordered investigation into clerical child abuse and mother and baby homes.
"I personally know dozens of Muslims who exist in this in-between space, but don't publicly acknowledge it for fear of reprisal from their family or community."
The complaint at the International Criminal Court is the first of its kind to challenge Beijing on its crackdown on Muslims, but China does not accept the court's jurisdiction.
The Philippine president on Friday signed a widely opposed anti-terror law which critics fear could be used against human rights defenders and to muzzle dissent.
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