Tuesday, July 7th, 2020

The Texas Covid ‘Spike’ Is a Fraud

Ron Paul

29-Times More People Will Die of Lockdown Measures Than From the Covid-19 Coronavirus Itself

Bill Sardi

Russia’s Political Stability Ensured While the West Sinks

Thomas Luongo

The Constitution Failed

Ryan McMaken

Bye Bye, American Pie

James Howard Kunstler

The First NYC Court Appearance for Ghislaine Maxwell May Be Friday, July 10

Robert Willmann

Robert Kennedy Jr.: ‘Pharmaceutical Drugs Are Now the 3rd Leading Cause of Death’ in the US

Mac Slavo

We Are All Prisoners of Groupthink

Patrick McGoohan’s 1960s cult curiosity turns out to be a parable for our intolerant times. Gareth Roberts

Violent Crime Is Surging Dramatically in Major Cities All Over America

Michael Snyder

Lost Story, Lost Society

By Bionic Mosquito

JK Rowling Got ‘Death & Rape Threats’… But Doubles Down on Transism


The Tyranny of Cancel Culture

Trump is right: cancel culture is destroying freedom of thought. Brendan O’Neill

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