John --
Congressman Michael McCaul has been
a steadfast friend to Israel and defender of conservative values over
his entire career representing
Texas's 10th congressional district.
Michael has served as the
Republican Leader of the House Foreign Affairs Committee during the
116th Congress. He is committed to ensuring that America’s leadership
is promoted on the global stage and that the United States bolsters
international engagement with our allies.
Michael McCaul Today!
I've worked alongside Michael and
seen his dedication to the US-Israel partnership up close.
Michael is one of the most
prominent advocates for strengthening the U.S.-Israel alliance.
He has fought the BDS movement by sponsoring the
Strengthening America's Security in the Middle East Act and the
Iran Ballistic Missiles and International Sanctions
Enforcement Act.
you Donate $5, $15, $25, $50 or More to Rep. Michael McCaul
Please join me in supporting our
friend Michael McCaul and ensure strong Republican voices stay in
Congressman Lee Zeldin
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