Independent Women’s Forum is pleased to announce that Liz Sara, chairman of the National Women’s Business Council (NWBC), is the latest in our popular series of Champion Women profiles.

Sara had a thirty-year history of successful entrepreneurship and a career in the tech field before she was named to head the NWBC, a federal, nonpartisan advisory committee that makes recommendations to the President, Congress and the Small Business Administration regarding women business owners.

After reading the book Megatrends, the 1980s bestseller, Sara knew she had to get into the technology field. When AOL offered a job, she jumped at the chance. She went on to help found several tech operations. She currently advises start-up tech companies.

At present, only a minuscule 5 percent of technology businesses are owned by women. Sara aims to change that.

Liz says women must be encouraged to take more risks. “Men tend to be bigger risk-takers than women, and men tend to look at the criteria for a career path,” says Sara. “And maybe they would meet eight out of 10 of the criteria and, feel that, ‘Hey, I'm far more qualified to do this than anybody else. I'm going to do it.’ Whereas a female counterpart would look at that criteria. And if she only has eight out of 10, she would think, ‘Well, I better get those other two before I can start it.’ We need to communicate to women and show them by example that you can take a risk and you don't have to have every last bit of experience.”

Liz grew in New York where her father took her to lots of pancake breakfasts for Republican candidates. She lives in DC and loves to cook the dishes she enjoyed at her grandmother’s dinner table in New York’s Little Italy.

We know you’ll enjoy hearing from this forceful advocate for women business owners.


Charlotte Hays
Cultural Director
Independent Women's Forum