
In the midst of a pandemic, it's crucial our leaders take the necessary steps to track and slow the spread of COVID-19 to keep our families safe.

But at his rally in Tulsa last month, President Trump said he demanded health officials "slow the testing down" to avoid increased reports in COVID-19 cases. Then just four days later, his administration cut off funding for public testing sites despite a sharp increase of cases across the country.

This is extremely dangerous and will prolong this pandemic that's already killed over 130,000 Americans. Closing public testing sites will only make it harder to track the spread.

We can't afford to "slow the testing down." Add your name to join Dr. Kim Schrier in demanding we expand COVID-19 testing now →

As the only female doctor in the house, Kim knows the only way we will begin a return to normalcy is if there is robust testing available to track the disease in real time and take quick action if we see signs of a resurgence.

The actions we take right now could be the difference of life or death for thousands of Americans. We need to increase testing before it's too late.

Public health should always be more important than the President's ego. If you agree, join Kim and demand Trump expand testing for COVID-19.


Team Schrier

Dr. Kim Schrier, the only female doctor in the House, is running for re-election in Washington's 8th Congressional district. Her seat has been named a top target by national Republicans, so she needs help from grassroots supporters. Will you pitch in to help protect Kim's seat and the Democratic majority?

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

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