Demand Congress pass Safe Storage laws

Dear John,

We need you to join gun safety activists to DEMAND that Congress pass safe storage laws.

Every day, 8 children and teens are unintentionally shot because of easy access to an unlocked or unsupervised firearm. And because of fear caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, there are now millions of new guns in homes across America. These are just accidents waiting to happen without Safe Storage. If we don’t change our laws, we are going to lose even more innocent children.

That’s why Congress introduced the Prevent Family Fire Act to incentivize the sale of Safe storage devices. Safe storage is a proven and essential tool to prevent family fire, including both unintentional shootings and suicides. If we pass this bill, we can save countless lives. 

But we’re only going to pass it if we get 100,000 signatures on this petition. Please, add your name right away!


Research shows unsecured guns in the home dramatically increases the likelihood of unintentional shootings as well as suicide. For those with firearms in the house, it is vital that they practice safe storage of their guns.

Safe storage saves lives. Add your name TODAY and demand that Congress pass the Prevent Family Fire Act!

Together, we can save lives.

— Team Brady





840 First Street, NE
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20002
United States

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