Greetings Ward 8 Residents,
My heart is heavy as I mourn the loss of 11-year-old, Davon McNeal, who lost his life over the weekend to gun violence. I spoke to four mothers in one week about burying their child. No parent should ever have to experience the loss of a child over someone's senseless act.
The blame game will not work. It is time to step it up. We cannot continue to allow a small few to destroy our social fabric. It's unacceptable, cowardly, disgusting, and should not be tolerated by anyone living in our community. If #BlackLivesMatter, then turn in the coward that took this precious child from our community. We are fighting too many battles to have violence within our community to be one of them. At the time of this writing, another reported homicide has occurred on Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, SE. We must be our brother and sister's keeper.
Hug someone today. Hug your children today and tell them you love them. Please stay tuned for more information. We are regrouping today.

Trayon White, Sr.
Councilmember, Ward 8