
I’ll admit this: I’m borrowing a proven tactic from the Democrats and Trump, and I hope you agree with me on this one.

In 2016, Trump noticed how Obama and Bernie sold merchandise with their messaging on it. It not only allowed supporters to show PRIDE in their beliefs but was free advertising. Trump took his message-based merchandise to a whole new level.

We just launched our Take Back California store on my campaign website with a variety of T-shirts, hats, stickers, and even FREEDOM STRAWS! My favorite shirt is the "FREEDOM Doesn’t Mean FREE STUFF” shirt and of course my favorite hat is “Make California Great Again.”

Would you like to get an item for yourself OR for a friend who believes in freedom and wants to show pride in it? Here’s the link to the store:

If we are going to take back California from socialism, we must get people proudly wearing merchandise with our conservative messaging. People need to know they are not alone in their beliefs!

Let me know what you think! Are we missing any items in the store?


Carl DeMaio

PS: We plan to give some of these items away for free to our volunteers and college students working on the campaign. Can you contribute to defray the cost of those items for us? Here’s the secure link: