Hey John -
This past weekend we celebrated Independence Day. This year, however, rings a little different in the hearts of many across the United States of America. As a country we face two global pandemics: COVID-19, an ongoing threat that took us by storm, as well as racism, an insidious virus that has morphed throughout generations as we continue to fight against it.
On July 4th, 1776, a group of British colonists demanded an end to tyranny as well as access to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. However, the Declaration of Independence was originally written for land owning white men. Today, Americans need to revisit the line “we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” The freedoms promised in the Declaration were not extended to marginalized communities until much later and we still fight to further those liberations toward equity and justice today. We should take this time to reflect but also to celebrate the values that have inspired many to work towards ensuring our social contract protects ALL Americans, regardless of the intersectional nature of their identities.
In other news, Arlingtonians have a chance to exercise their right to vote THIS TUESDAY for the July 7th Arlington County Board Special Election. We highly encourage you to join Arlington Young Democrats in supporting Democrat Takis Karantonis!
Takis is an economist and urban planner with over 25 years of experience and will serve our own community with excellence. We are supporting Takis Karantonis for Arlington County Board because he has been a longtime champion of democratic values in Arlington and is no stranger to strong, progressive leadership. For more information, check out arldemsvote.org.
You can vote on Election Day, July 7th from 6am - 7pm at your regular polling location! ***Please note that the Wakefield HS voting location has been changed to Claremont ES. If you’re not sure about your polling location, check out your voter information at vote.elections.virginia.gov/VoterInformation.
In addition, if you have just received your mail-in ballot (deadline to request was June 30th), we recommend you drop it off at one of the supervised drop locations ASAP. For more info, check out vote.arlingtonva.us/ballot-drop-off/. ⠀
Make sure you have a valid photo ID while voting and also wear your mask and social distance!