Greetings from Arizona!

The best part about being back home in Arizona is getting to meet with constituents, businesses, and groups from all around our district. While I am here, I want to connect with as many people as possible. That is why this Monday, August 26, at 7:00pm I will be holding a Telephone Town Hall so that I can hear from you. Click here to sign up for Monday's Telephone Town Hall. I look forward to speaking with you!



Putting an end to Robocalls

Before heading back to Arizona for the district work period, Congress passed--with my support--H.R. 3375, the Stopping Bad Robocalls Act. This legislation requires phone companies to ensure that caller ID information has been authenticated before anyone’s cellphone ever rings, eliminating many of these robocalls without a cost on you, the consumer. I was proud to support this overwhelmingly bipartisan bill before the House of Representatives! Read more about what I am doing to end robocalls by clicking here.



Standing with our Ally, Israel

I recently returned from a bipartisan delegation visit overseas to Israel. While in Israel, we met with Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu. We also toured the Iron Dome, which protects the Israeli people from rocket attacks. America stands with our ally and friend, Israel.



Casework Highlight

A single mother contacted my office because she had submitted her taxes in January but had not received any information and her phone calls were not being returned. My office reached out to the Taxpayer Advocate Service, who indicated that the constituent's case was under audit. We coordinated the documents the IRS was requesting in order to satisfy the requirements of the audit. After making sure all documents were correct, the audit was successfully completed, and she promptly received her tax refund.

UPS Visit

This week, I visited the UPS training facility in Phoenix, experiencing hands-on training of UPS's service methods. UPS employs over 400,000 people in the U.S. and provides training right here in the Valley!



May God continue to bless you and our great nation.



Congresswoman Debbie Lesko