English Democrats

English Democrats

What the Establishment don’t want you to know!

Dear Friend, 

On the 21st of June, reports started to come out that there had been a stabbing attack at the end of a “Black Lives Matter” demonstration in Forbury Gardens in Reading, Berkshire - in the heart of England, leaving THREE people dead!

We were told nothing about the ethnicity, nor the religion of the attacker by the FAKE NEWS MEDIA, with the BBC even going so far as to that there was no “terror” motive. 

The Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, Angela Rayner, asked the public not to share any videos of the attack.

Rest assure if the attacker was a White Englishman she'd be calling for the death penalty!

The suspect, Khairi Saadallah, is a Libyan national with a lengthy criminal record in England. Neighbours near his home in Whitley, just under two miles from the scene of the mass stabbing, believed he had been recently released from prison.”

When will English wake up and take back control of our ancient homeland?

The Brexit Party, The BNP and UKIP are dead...only The English Democrats remain. It is now time to throw your support behind England's ONLY patriotic party. We still have time to save England, but the clock is ticking and we need as many stout hearted patriots to rally to the flag of Saint George before it is too late.

Today, I am asking all our followers to support us by clicking on the button at the bottom of the page. Give us the ammunition we need to take on the controlled-establishment parties and their media lackey's.

We CAN rescue England from the dustbin of history, but only if we have the resources available to fight this battle until the bitter end!

Will you help stand up and be counted today, Friend?

Yours sincerely

Robin Tilbrook

Chairman - The English Democrats

General Enquires: 0207 242 1066

Press Enquires: 01293 873 894


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