Texas Democrats Get Failing Grade in 2019 Faith & Family Scorecard

The 2019 Faith & Family Scorecard based on the 86th Texas Legislative Session was released this week. The Faith & Family Scorecard is a critical education and accountability tool to see where every state legislator stood on the values that matter to Texans. We encourage all Texans to see how their elected officials measure up. Be sure to click through to the individual pages of your State Senator and State Representative.

One of the biggest takeaways from the scorecard is the radical and extreme voting records of most Texas Democrats. It’s striking that the average House Democrat scored 3% on the 2019 Faith & Family Scorecard, including 47 Democrats (out of 67) that scored 0%. This includes several notable freshmen Democrats that defeated Republicans in 2018, including Rep. Julie Johnson (0%) in Dallas County, Rep. John Bucy (0%) in Williamson County, and Rep. Erin Zwiener (0%) in Hays and Blanco County. Almost every Democrat refused to support a law that simply protects babies that are born alive after a failed abortion.



Texas Values Town Hall Sheds Light on AISD’s Radical Sex-Ed Plans

Last night, Texas Values held a successful Town Hall for Austin ISD parents to learn the truth about the radical, pro-LGBT sex education curriculum being proposed by the district. With the help of Concerned Parents of Texas, the event shed light on the dangerous and age inappropriate materials that Austin ISD had proposed. Texas Values Policy Director Nicole Hudgens moderated the panel of speakers, and Texas Values Vice President David Walls shared an account of his own experiences with AISD’s lack of transparency.

AISD has now indicated they will not use Planned Parenthood’s Get Real curriculum (as they had originally proposed) because of SB 22, a new law recently signed by Governor Abbott that prohibits local governments from buying materials from abortion providers. Texas Values Action worked hard this past legislative session to help get SB 22 passed. AISD has now stated that “staff” are rewriting the curriculum for both grades 3-5 and 6-8, and the district claims they will allow parents to review all materials before adopting them later this year. Parents and citizens must continue to stay engaged as concern remains that the rewritten curriculum will likely be just a radical as Planned Parenthood’s Get Real.



Policy Forum Tickets Going Fast

The 2019 Texas Faith, Family, & Freedom Forum is 2 weeks away and tickets are going fast! At this policy forum you will hear from over 40 leaders from across the state and nation, as they discuss family values in public policy - including life, marriage, religious freedom, and human sexuality. Announced speakers include U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin, Congressman Chip Roy, and many more! Get Tickets.

Tim Lambert Joins Program

On the most recent edition of the Texas Values Report, host Jonathan Saenz was joined by Tim Lambert, President of the Texas Home School Coalition and a featured speaker at our upcoming 2019 Faith, Family, & Freedom Forum. Jonathan and Tim discussed the tragic story of 4-year-old Drake Pardo, who was kidnapped from his home by Child Protective Services on June 20th. You can listen to a podcast of the program here or the live video here.


Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2019 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.



Texas Values Action
900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220