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It is no secret that education has the power to change a child's life. It is partly through education that a child's knowledge of the world around them is impacted and they decide how they want to make a difference in society for the better. With that being said, if education plays such an essential role in the life of a child, wouldn't you want to ensure that Idaho has the best quality of education possible for them? And wouldn't you want to have a say on the education Idaho children are receiving? 

In 2009, Idaho joined the Common Core State Standards Initiative and the final standards were published in June 2010. Ever since 2010, Idaho parents have been requesting an open discussion with the State Board of Education regarding their choice to adopt this initiative through administrative rules.

Earlier this summer, after the entire Idaho Administrative Code expired on July 1, 2019 (read more here), numerous Idahoans signed petitions to request public hearings to be held in their counties to address new rules and changes made by the Idaho Department of Education. Although the department did not schedule hearings in each county where petitions were received, they did schedule a few

The last scheduled hearing will be held in Idaho Falls this coming Tuesday, August 27, 2019, from 6:00 - 9:00 PM (MDT) at the College of Eastern Idaho located at 1600 South 25th East, building 6 (Health Education Bldg.) in room(s) 150/152. (Click here or here for details.)

Why do so many Idahoans oppose Common Core? There are numerous reasons to oppose Common Core. However, most reasons fall into one of these four areas:
  • Common Core is an attempt to centralize education, allowing the federal government to intervene in our state education programs. This removes school boards, parents, and Idaho communities from the decision making process.
  • Common Core has not produced better education results. Instead, they have gone down significantly.
  • Common Core devalues the input of individual teachers in their work with individual students. Teachers are now teaching for their students to pass the next test, and children are expected to keep up.
  • Common Core is copyrighted, and our State can’t adapt. This requires Idaho to adopt the standard word for word with the ability to add just 15%.

From these bullet points alone, we see that Common Core does not provide the quality education that our children deserve. 

As a parent, grandparent, or even a future parent, your voice is needed. If you are anywhere in the Idaho Falls area, we would strongly encourage you to attend this hearing. If you cannot make the public hearing but want to share your opinion still, please send in your comments by email to Tracie Bent at [email protected] no later than August 27, 2019.

Remember, “Decisions Are Made by Those Who Show Up." Idaho is depending on you. Will you show up?
“It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”
– Samuel Adams
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