Jobs Americans just won't do?!
Independent poll says American workers aren't buying it.
Hey, John -
Rasmussen Reports on Twitter, announcing the results
People who hire illegal aliens often say, "There are just some jobs Americans won't do." Even now, in the midst of massive unemployment, many politicians are using that as an excuse to keep legal and illegal immigration high. We've been helping American workers -- and many honest, law-abiding business-owners -- tell Congress the claim against American workers isn't true.
Last week, the major polling firm Rasmussen Reports released a poll on its website confirming that the vast majority of American voters agree with us.
Rasmussen asked 1,500 likely voters this question:
"People say immigrants fill construction, technology, hospitality and other service jobs that Americans don't want. Are there Americans who would take those jobs if pay and working conditions were improved or are there just not enough Americans willing to do that kind of work?"
Americans, by a 54-to-33 percent margin, agreed that: "Americans would take those jobs if pay and working conditions were improved."
Workers who make under $50,000 agreed with us by more than 2 to 1 (57% to 28%). Young adults under 40 (59% to 29%) were more likely than older workers to agree. Racial minorities were more likely than white people; Black Americans agreed with our position by almost three to one (65% to 22%). Isn't it enough to make you wonder who's really looking out for the poor, minorities, and young people?
Well, we are, at NumbersUSA. And we always have.
John, right now, the coronavirus economic crisis is overshadowing pretty much everything else, politically. We get it. But our political opponents' lies are more transparent than ever, and their harm is greater than ever. Americans NEED these jobs, and they need them NOW.
At the same time, so many of our supporters can't afford to give at this moment. Our financial situation hasn't been this vulnerable since we were just starting out two decades ago. Fortunately, we followed best practices financially, and we've had funding saved away for a rainy day. But our rainy day can't last too much longer. We need those who can afford to donate to consider what it would be like if NumbersUSA hadn't been here... "
Comprehensive Immigration Reform" of 2013-14, for example, would have meant 33 million more immigrants given lifetime work permits "in the next decade" and a growing number after that. It's been nearly a decade since. If we hadn't won, how many more jobs by now would they have filled through immigration instead of by our needy American workers?
You can now pay by Paypal or credit card directly on our web page.
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Here's what may be the biggest surprise to many: Entrepreneurs agree with the workers (55% to 35%)! They're the people who are supposedly helped by cheap, imported labor, but they're more likely than the general public to reject the claims of the cheap-worker lobby. That's because honest, law-abiding businesses are hurt when their competition can hire illegal aliens or abuse legal visa programs to avoid hiring available Americans.
So who really is spreading lies about workers being so hard to find? Well, there certainly are some employers who think they should never have to pay a livable wage or who undervalue good workers. Some like being able to have taxpayers pay for food assistance, housing assistance, medical costs, and so forth to make up for the low wages they pay.
Rather than recruit more aggressively among recent American college graduates, gigantic, multinational corporations, with seemingly little loyalty to America have spent billions of dollars to sway politicians and propagandize the American public to obtain more foreign workers. Corporations like Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Cisco.
We don't need to spend billions. We only need a reasonable amount to help us continue to connect Americans affected by open-borders policies to their elected representatives... and to tell those Americans which politicians are acting against their interests.
Here's what we stand for (and have for nearly a quarter of a century):
Mandate E-Verify to enforce immigration employment laws, so honest businesses don't get undercut by law-breakers.
Reduce green cards and other visas to stop importing unnecessary foreign workers.
Enforce immigration laws at the borders AND in the interior.
Stop flooding the labor pool with chain migration and the visa lottery.
John, we've stopped disaster after disaster in Congress that would have added many millions more immigrants than we already have.
Now try imagining where we would be if we had been able to undo bad immigration policies. This morning, the labor department said 20 million workers were unemployed by the coronavirus. Imagine if there was a job opening for each and every one of those workers?
Help us FORCE Congress to admit that Americans are not too lazy or untalented to do ANY jobs. NumbersUSA REJECTS the argument that many jobs can be filled only by foreign workers. Americans want to do that work. And voters know it. Please help us.
You can now pay by Paypal or credit card directly on our web page.
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You can donate three ways:
1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal.
2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check.
3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back.
Keep the faith and don't ever give up!
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Jim Robb
VP Operations
P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at
[email protected].
P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.