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What's Happening at BPC
This weekly digest highlights BPC's media coverage, latest work, and upcoming events. If you have any questions about upcoming events, please email our events team at [email protected]
BPC in the News

States are loosening their stay-at-home orders while coronavirus cases are still on the rise. BPC's Dr. Anand Parekh outlines how to stay safe during the summer months. As cases increase, so do the challenges faced by many families struggling to make ends meet. BPC's Adrienne Schweer discusses the stress put on working families to care for their children while maintaining a 40 hour work week, and BPC's Andy Winkler gives his insight into what will happen if Congress does not extend the federal eviction ban that is set to expire on July 25.




BPC's Latest Work

BPC's Health Project compiled a list of the top 10 things you should know about the coronavirus. Read the latest stats and updates here.


The already-shaky financial picture for many American households has been further threatened by the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic fallout. A lack of emergency savings was a serious problem long before this crisis, and many households are now draining what little they had. Helping Americans build liquid savings for emergencies would move millions of households closer to financial resilience.


BPC President Jason Grumet testified before the Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee to express his support for S. 2302, the America’s Transportation Infrastructure Act, as an opportunity to help the country recover economically while addressing the twin challenges of reviving our decaying infrastructure and successfully decarbonizing the economy by 2050. Read his full testimony here.

Upcoming Events
In light of restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, BPC events have shifted to all remote formats, such as video teleconferences or calls.


Advancing Comprehensive Primary Care in Medicaid
Tuesday, July 7
11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. ET


America in Recovery: Lessons from Essential Employers
Wednesday, July 8
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. ET


Once Upon an American Dream: Arrival - Navigating the System Then and Now
Thursday, July 9
4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. ET


Ideas. Action. Results.
We fight to create a better future for all Americans through lasting, bipartisan policy change. Your support helps us achieve that goal.
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