Dear John

The Podcast to End Poverty: listen to episode 3 now!

Church Action on Poverty's latest podcast episode features some inspiring stories of kindness and solidarity from York. 

All of us, all over the country, have hopefully seen very clearly the kindness and compassion that have flown through society in recent months. Neighbours looking out for one another, communities pulling together, people sharing supplies or simple words of kindness and encouragement. In adversity, we have pulled together.

In this episode of our podcast, we take a snapshot look at just one city: York. There, community groups and residents tell of inspiring teamwork and solidarity. In the words of one person we spoke to, “there has been a fantastic outpouring of goodwill”. Hopefully, much of this rings true wherever you are as well.

We've also shared the stories in a blog on our website, so you can read them if you're not able to listen to podcasts.

Best wishes

Liam Purcell
Church Action on Poverty