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Stick with us, John

Friend --

We don't want that Bernie will loose this election.

Not because of what loosing whould mean for us -- Progressives will be fine no matter what happens.

But because of what it would mean for our country and middle-class families.

The race is very close.

We're not willing to watch the progress you and us worked so hard to achieve be undone.

Don't wait. Donate $3 today.

We believe in you. If you stick with us, and if we fight harder than ever for this election, we truly believe we can't loose.

Thank you,

Progressive Party

Progressive Party
We are supported by amazing people like you!
All donations support our general mission and are not tax-deductible. Not authorized by any Candidate or Candidate’s Committee. | We're working hard to make sure Republicans are held accountable for their actions. We need all hands on deck. Our email list is the best way to stay in contact with supporters like you across the country and let you know about the work Progressives are doing. Thanks for your support of Progressives!
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