Happy Independence Day!
Today, as we celebrate the day we declared our independence from the British empire, we look forward to declaring our independence from Washington DC this November by investing our vote in Dr. Jo Jorgensen for President.
The growth in support for the Jorgensen/Cohen ticket has been phenomenal. In June, their support increased by over 6% a day, day after day, for the entire month. If we can keep this up for the next two months, Dr. Jorgensen stands a real chance of reaching the 15% threshold in national polls needed to qualify for the debates.
The campaign’s ground game is also starting to come together. We just completed assembling our team of regional field organizers, and almost all state coordinators are in place as well.
We know that you have anxiously been awaiting yard signs, bumper stickers, buttons, door hangers, and other campaign materials to use locally. Great news – the last design step was completed last Friday, so materials should be made available this week. They should also be available at the national convention, and print masters will be available for groups that want to produce materials locally.
We hope you have a great Independence Day weekend! Take care.
Steve Dasbach
Campaign Manager