America's Oldest & Largest Young Republican Club

Happy Independence Day!

The New York Young Republican Club would like to wish everyone a happy and joyous Independence Day. 

Today more than ever we must remember and cherish our nation's glorious past.

We are the greatest nation on God's good Earth and we should never be ashamed of that fact. 

Stand tall and proud for our flag on this July 4th and never forget the sacrifices generations past have given in order to ensure their posterity's freedom. 

God Bless America. 

Gavin Wax
New York Young Republican Club

New Club Sponsor:
Liberty Cigars

The New York Young Republican Club is honored to announce a new sponsor for the Club. Liberty Cigars is generously offering a fantastic 19.11% discount to all our members. 1911 is the year in which the modern iteration of our Club was founded.

The Liberty Cigar Company exists to tell America’s magnificent story.

They honor extraordinary people from American history by creating a cigar worthy of their contribution to the fulfillment of our nations ideals.

Each small batch cigar is hand-crafted to match the personality of the one whom we seek to honor.

The Liberty Cigar Company is and shall always be a refuge for the American Spirit.

Please contact us if you are a member to receive your coupon code. 

Shop Cigars!

Club President Gavin Wax on the Ingraham Angle

Special Guest Lara Trump

Join us as we welcome Lara Trump as the special guest for
NYYRC Live Episode 5.

Date: NEXT WEEK - Wednesday, July 8th

Time: 3:00 PM

Where: Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube (@NYYRC)

Price: Free!

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