Hi John,

July 4th is more than a day of fireworks and barbecues. It’s a day to reflect on how far we have come as a nation, and how much farther we need to go – on how we build that “more perfect Union.” This is an ongoing process in which we, as Americans, must all be involved. And with the many crises we face at this moment, that “perfect union” seems far away indeed.

We have so much work to do, and in the midst of the crises we face, it is not time to “reopen” America, it is time to “reimagine” America. Imagine a just, independent and free country for all – truly for all, and then work like hell to make it happen.

For nearly 40 years I’ve been fighting for the things that inch us toward the promise of America, and I will continue to do so in the Senate. Providing universal health care, saving our planet from catastrophe, meaningfully addressing systemic racism and the income inequality gap – these are all essential to bringing us one step closer to “a more perfect union” – it’s what inspires me to run for the US Senate.

Each one of us has a responsibility as an American to take action. Voting, marching, voting, examining our own racism, voting, writing letters, voting – all things we can do to ensure a forward march. With the primary election in just 10 days, I hope you take some time to reflect on your vision for the future of Maine and the country and consider me a candidate who will help bring the promise of America a little closer to reality.

Happy Fourth of July, with all the love and hope I know.

In solidarity,
Betsy Sweet


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Betsy Sweet for U.S. Senate
PO Box 487
Hallowell, ME 04347
United States