Grassley Direct

I spoke with Ed Funston with KILR in Estherville and Ty Rushing with the N’West Iowa Review. We discussed the JUSTICE Act and the meatpacking industry. 

Q&A: IRS & Taxes


Q:  What concerns from Iowans did you bring to the table to share with the IRS commissioner?

Q:  What other concerns have you heard from Iowans during this tax filing season?

Quick Links

After Independence Day, Congress will likely consider another coronavirus relief package. I’ll be pushing to include the Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act. As drugs to treat the coronavirus emerge, health care affordability should be central to the conversation.

In another effort to empower patients and lower health care costs, I joined my colleagues to introduce the PRICE Transparency Act. An extra dose of transparency will bring more accountability and competition to the health care industry.

The United States, Mexico and Canada launched a new chapter in our historic partnership with entry into force of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or USMCA. It offers a ray of hope for Iowa farmers and manufacturers to plant the seeds for a robust economic recovery.

In times of hardship, history shows Iowans plow ahead to cultivate peace and prosperity. Despite the challenges knocking at our door in 2020, I have great hope for America.

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