Weekend Edition, July 4-5, 2020

Richard Henry Lee Wrote the Original Declaration of Independence – PODCAST

Judge John V. Denson talks with Lew Rockwell about some surprising historical facts.

Why Texas Governor Abbott’s ‘Face Mask’ Order Is Not What It Seems

Daniel McAdams

They Don’t Dare Tell You What July 4th Really Means

Tom Woods

Sweden: Number of Covid Deaths Plummeting Even as the Number of Cases Rises

Similar pattern in the United States! Robert W. Felix

It’s the 4th of July! Why Is Democracy Destroying the World?

L. Reichard White

Who Is the Greatest Living Economist?

Jeff Deist (My vote: Joseph Salerno)

On July 4th, I’ll Be Celebrating Walter Block

Allan Stevo

Are Uncivil Protests and Mob Violence Winning?

Patrick J. Buchanan

The Fourth Estate Has Murdered America

Paul Craig Roberts

History Lesson

James Howard Kunstler

The Establishment of an Absolute Tyranny

Bionic Mosquito

On Not Going Towards the Trouble: Staying Safe During Civil Unrest in America

Samantha Biggers

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