Hello — I am going to ask you to make a donation today to become a founding donor of our general election campaign. First, I need to share some updates on our race:

  • Despite Republican meddling in our primary — including “mysterious” text messages — we won by double digits.

  • Then, outside Republican groups bankrolled by Mitch McConnell’s right-wing donor network launched a $9 million attack campaign against us, and they’re apparently building a “conservative army” to organize against us in Colorado.

  • Now, we’re rushing to raise as much money as we can before the holiday weekend begins, so we can defend ourselves from these nasty and misleading GOP attacks.

But, time is running out to fight back and we need you to become a founding donor to our campaign right now. Can you rush a $10 contribution to boost our paid media and organizing programs and help us flip this Senate seat blue in November?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Look, I knew we were in for a fight when I launched my campaign for Senate — and I know we can overcome them if we keep working together. Thanks in advance for stepping up.

— John