I want to thank you for taking the time to support Off the Sidelines. I know there are a lot of causes that urgently deserve your time, attention and support, and am grateful that you consider our work to bring more diverse representation to Congress among them.
Earlier in June, I sat down for a (virtual) conversation with my friend Stacey Abrams to discuss her new book, Our Time is Now. In it, she charts a path for ending voter suppression, empowering our citizens, and taking our country back. I can’t think of a more timely, or important, message. And, if you’re looking for a new book to dig into this summer, I can’t recommend Stacey’s enough.
You can watch our full conversation here:

As we take pause this Fourth of July weekend, I’ve never felt more hopeful about our collective power to effect lasting, meaningful change—to create a more perfect union. This work won’t be easy—it never is. And we have a long, long way to go. But I’m honored to know you’re with me in this fight.
Sending strength and love,