July 3rd, 2020
Dear Friends and Supporters
This week saw the resumption of Brexit talks in the new weekly high-intensity format. They were even held face-to-face in Brussels – and will apparently continue until the end of July. However, despite claims these talks would be top priority for both sides, they ended a day early with the chief negotiators for both sides, David Frost and Michel Barnier, apparently cancelling their planned one-to-one talks today (Friday), as substantial differences still remain. This isn’t surprising. The European Union has been saying for months how they need negotiations to be face-to-face in order for progress to be made, but the moment they get what they want, talks are cut off early! This kind of obfuscation and blame game is exactly what we have come to expect from the EU. Surely, if significant differences remain, both parties should be working overtime and not simply clocking off early and leaving the same unresolved issues for the next round of talks, which are set to take place in London next week.
Michel Barnier has blamed the fruitless talks on a ‘lack of respect’ from the United Kingdom. We categorically deny this! It is very clear it’s the EU which is disrespecting the ‘Will of the Great British Public’ by making it excruciatingly difficult to Leave unless we surrender to the EU’s demands. Why should the UK align itself to an unprecedented level of EU regulation, whether this is in the form of accepting the so-called ‘Level-Playing Field’, which would restrict the ability of this country to make its own economic decisions, or the continued jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice over UK affairs?
This would NOT be ‘Taking Back Control’ and no sovereign governing country would accept such demands - and neither will we!
While Barnier blames the UK, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has used her first few days as the new EU Council President (a position which rotates around Member States every 6 months) to warn EU Member States of an increased chance of a No Deal outcome. On this, Mrs Merkel is spot on! The EU continues to refuse the UK’s reasonable demands and if the ‘intensified talks’ happening this month continue to produce no meaningful progress then - as the Prime Minister puts it… “We will have the very good option also of an Australia-style agreement” – i.e. trading on No Deal via World Trade Organisation terms at the end of this year.
While this would not be ideal for the 6% of UK businesses who currently export to the EU, we as a country must not give away our sovereignty. If tariffs are the price to pay for this, then it is worth every penny. If the EU goes further and tries to implement punishment tariffs, then the UK is well within its right to reciprocate and both economies will face tough consequences.
However, our sovereignty will always come first, BREXIT was never really about the economics it was about ‘Taking Back Control’.
We must ‘Take Back Control’ of swathes of issues which were slipped into the Political Declaration and the Withdrawal Agreement. A key issue is that of Defence and Foreign policy integration with the EU. While the UK Government is ignoring the issue, hoping it goes away, the EU are trying to tie this country into their Federalist dreams of a single European approach to defence. It is not enough to simply ignore the issue and not include it in these final negotiations. The Prime Minister must come out and make clear we want nothing to do with these EU ambitions. These negotiations are about more than trade and we must ensure the UK’s position is crystal clear on every minute detail.
Before we go any further – and again, this request is very important:
Get Britain Out is very, very appreciative for the donations we have received so far - especially after our last few e-Bulletins highlighting how much we need funding to continue the campaign until the end of the Transition Period on December 31st, 2020. Remain campaigns and their billionaire backers are still pushing for an extension to the Transition Period and they are now calling for so-called ‘Implementation Periods’ to try to keep us aligned to EU laws for much longer. This fight won’t be over until we are fully out of the EU. There is much much more to be done in the next 6 months.
Unfortunately, most of the other Brexit campaigns have shut up shop. So, my small team and I are working harder than ever to make sure a real Brexit is still on the agenda and the voice of Brexiteers continues to be heard. Get Britain Out has always been a ‘free to use’ campaign, but now we really need regular financial assistance for the next 6 months until the end of this year. To those of you who have already contributed, I cannot tell you how much it is appreciated to keep the campaign going on a week by week basis.
These are tough times, I know, but please can you dig deep into your pockets again please – perhaps with a regular donation for these final 6 months so we can continue to run Get Britain Out until the end of this year (and yes, I really do understand not all of you cannot afford to do so – especially in these difficult times with COVID-19). This is vital for our Global Future. Thank you.
While the news from Whitehall is mixed, it seems Prime Minister Boris Johnson is finally getting into his stride again after his COVID-19 infection. This week Boris launched his ‘Build, Build, Build’ strategy to reinvigorate the UK economy after COVID-19. This policy, which adds an additional £5 billion to the PM’s existing spending commitments, plans to provide a massive boost to the manufacturing and technology industries as well as housing, especially in parts of the country long-forgotten since we joined the EU.
BREXIT is a vital opportunity for this country to step out from the shadow of Brussels and embrace our own global future. For too long we have become dependent on help from abroad. When we entered the European Economic Community, expecting it to be a reasonable trade opportunity, we had no idea it would expand into an expanding Federalist superpower, taking control of every aspect of our lives. Now is the time for us to build up and support our own country and our businesses. It is great to see Boris embracing this opportunity. However, it will all be for nothing if he agrees to a Bad Deal with the EU and we end up returning to the control of Brussels. Our escape from the EU’s shackles is not just dependent on trade negotiations, we must also repeal the draconian and bureaucratic laws the EU has already passed this year which we are now tied into - laws passed in Brussels automatically cross over into UK law. Get Britain Out has compiled a list of some key laws passed by the EU since February 1st 2020 which are now in force in the UK and which must be repealed after the Transition Period.

Boris Johnson’s return to Leadership and apparent plans to centralise government from Downing Street by slimming down government departments, is also mirrored in his rumoured plans to create a White House-style press briefing room from 9 Downing Street, which will host daily televised press briefings. This would definitely make briefings look more professional, but it would also mean the public would see a much clearer version of Government policy direct from the horse’s mouth, instead of us having to rely on hearing everything via the often-biased press. Finally, we would see behind the curtain and expose the ridiculous questions asked by so many the journalists!
In some promising news, the Department for International Trade (DfIT) has continued to thrive in recent weeks after I wrote, on behalf of Get Britain Out, to Liz Truss MP, the Secretary of State for International Trade on April 23rd asking why so little was being done about trade for our global future. Since then, we have commenced trade negotiations with 3 more countries - including Switzerland, Turkey and Vietnam. While many might think our trade with Vietnam would be almost nothing - this is not the case, as trade between our two countries totalled over £6 billion in 2017 alone, exceeding trade with many other countries within the EU. There are also reports of a new trade deal with Japan, building on and improving on the Japan-EU trade deal and, ambitiously, this could be completed by the end of July! If true, this is something which would be a very impressive feat.
These trade negotiations build on the ambition for the UK to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) which currently has 11 members including Canada, Japan and Australia. This is a trade bloc which rejects political alignment and specifically aims to reduce the power of China in world trade. In a recent webinar, Liz Truss stated she believes the UK must join organisations such as these to allow the us to become a central figure within the global trade community, providing a bridge-point between different regions and cultures.
However, it’s not all good news from the DfIT as this week. Liz Truss has now confirmed there is no great rush to confirm a trade deal with the United States of America, stating: “There is no fixed deadline”! I would disagree. Time is of the essence with these negotiations. Agreeing a trade deal with the USA would give us a huge edge in talks with the EU, but we also face the possibility of Donald Trump losing the US Presidential Election this November. If this happens, he would be replaced by Joe Biden, the former Vice-President under the Barack Obama administration. Biden, just like Obama, has made it clear a trade deal with the UK would NOT be his priority. Instead he would want to conclude a deal with the EU first!
To raise a serious query about this seeming “lack of urgency”, I have written to Liz Truss, as Director of Get Britain Out, (cc’d to the Prime Minister) to ask them why they appear to be sitting on their hands and not pushing ahead at full speed. You can read my letter in the links at the bottom of this e-Bulletin.
Meanwhile, inside the EU there have been some major shakeups. Most prominently there is finally a new Prime Minister in Ireland after the election was held on February 8th, 2020. The new PM, Micheál Martin of the Fianna Fáil Party, has already said he wishes to seek a better working relationship with the UK instead of the adversarial approach taken by his predecessor, Leo Varadkar. Perhaps we might finally see some well-meaning cooperation, instead of incessant political point-scoring coming out of Dublin. However, this relief will likely be short-lived, because - as part of the coalition agreement between Fianna Fáil and Fianna Gael - Leo Varadkar will take back the position of Prime Minister in July 2022. Hopefully, Brexit should no longer be an issue by then and Varadkar will be left to twiddle his thumbs and digging into his cash tin, as Brussels demands more and more money and power from EU Member States.
In some lighter news about the potential end of the COVID-19 lockdown - the Government has announced their intention to allow people to travel abroad (if flying from England) to nearly 60 countries, including Spain, France, Germany and Italy without needing to quarantine for 2 weeks upon return. NOTE: Portugal is not included so far, but Madeira and the Azores are. This is excellent news for those who are itching to go abroad for business, the aviation and tourism industries, as well as for the future of the English economy. However, this has been an uphill struggle, especially thanks to tit-for-tat arguments between Boris Johnson and the Scottish First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, who seems determined to try and place divisions throughout the United Kingdom, for the sake of trying to score petty political points. Let’s hope she comes to her senses and allows these new so-called quarantine exemptions to apply to Scotland as well. One thing is certain, many of us work much better when we get to have some holiday time away, soaking up some sunshine.
On a final note, I would suggest to subscribers or supporters, from time to time please take a look at Get Britain Out’s Recommended Reading page on our website. This will be especially useful for any of you who are involved with businesses which trade with the EU. It’s continually updated with new information on negotiations with the EU as well as changes in UK policy relating to tariffs and has lots of other useful information relating to Brexit. You can read the page HERE.
- The EU threatens UK farmers with tariffs – The Daily Telegraph
- In the age of Global Britain, we mustn’t be squeamish about national interest – The Daily Telegraph
- Toyota confirms it will continue to invest in the UK post-Transition Period – Guido Fawkes
- The UK should be turning its attention to trading with non-EU countries – Conservative Home
- The EU plan to demand UK is obligated to buy car parts from the Single Market – The Daily Telegraph
- Frost bites back! UK issues angry retort to Barnier as Brexit trade deal talks on brink – The Daily Express
- Boris Johnson repeats threat of No Deal – Westmonster
- Broad outline of a trade Deal can be agreed by the end of Summer – The Daily Telegraph
- David Frost will replace Sir Mark Sedwill as National Security Adviser – The Daily Mail
- The deadline whereby the UK can request an extension to the Transition Period has now passed – The Daily Express
- David Frost’s statement on the conclusion of the first round of face to face negotiations – Gov.uk
That’s all for this e-Bulletin. I hope you all have a very good weekend, and perhaps enjoy a trip to a pub, restaurant – or the hairdresser - as many of them are due to open up this weekend, but keep yourselves safe. The fight for a real Brexit is not over yet, but we hope we are getting closer to ending the lockdown and getting our lives back to normal.
Thank you for your ongoing support which is very much appreciated.
Best wishes from Jayne Adye, Campaign Director and the Team at Get Britain Out.
Finally, please don’t forget, we really need your help with donations for the next 6 months as I have explained above, to make sure we secure the best Brexit for the United Kingdom. Of course we appreciate all the help many of you have already given to the campaign, however, we are in the final few months of pushing for a good Brexit to be delivered, so now, more than ever – with other campaigns closing up shop and donations becoming scarcer – every penny counts if we are to continue our work.
Without your support we cannot run our campaign to keep up the pressure on the Government to listen to the will of the Great British Public. Remain MPs in Parliament and the Remain campaigns funded by billionaire donors and massive commercial backers mean if we don’t continue to have a voice to fight for Brexit, Remainers could once again dominate the airwaves - or even try to reverse the EU Referendum result - giving no voice for the millions who voted to Leave.
We understand these are hard times, but for the next 6 months, if you can spare any extra money on a regular basis to keep this campaign going and to make sure there is still a strong voice for Brexit, then please donate whatever you can.
Donations can be made via bank transfer, bank standing order, cheque or PayPal – all the details are HERE. Re bank transfers - some banks have fraud contingencies in place - so please just make sure the account number and sort code are correct so your transfer goes through correctly.
PLEASE NOTE: Cheques should be payable to The EU Referendum Campaign Limited and not Get Britain Out.
Unfortunately, we cannot accept credit card donations (unless via PayPal) – or foreign currency cheques.
With such a small team, we cannot personally thank all of those who donate to the campaign, but your contributions are very much appreciated. If you would like an acknowledgement, please let me have your e-mail address (or write it on the back of your cheque).
P.S. IMPORTANT: We know you are already committed to Brexit, but please continue to circulate this e-Bulletin to even more people. There are many who still want more information.
Anyone not already signed up for our free fortnightly e-Bulletins can do so HERE.
Remember, you can also get daily information and comments, plus press links, via our social media - Facebook and Twitter. There are also daily links to Brexit press articles on our website (once my staff are in the office Monday to Friday) via this link HERE. For updates on our Recommended Reading, you can find them via this link HERE.
Huge thanks again to everyone for your help and support. GET BRITAIN OUT will continue to fight to try and make sure we get the best result from our Leaving the EU, as well as a Free Trade Deal with our close neighbours in the EU if possible. We can still Leave with No Deal on WTO terms – as well as being free to trade with countries around the world - as we already do - with most other countries in the world – for our UNITED KINGDOM’S GLOBAL FUTURE.
Best wishes, as always, Jayne