From IXNAY PAC <[email protected]>
Subject Spend 4th of July inside the Cult of Trump!
Date July 3, 2020 5:40 PM
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<[link removed]> <[link removed]> IXNAY Podcast Episode 5: INSIDE THE CULT OF TRUMP WITH JEFF SHARLET IXNAY on Apple Podcasts <[link removed]> IXNAY on Spotify <[link removed]> IXNAY on Google Podcasts <[link removed]> In this episode: Trace talks to journalist Jeff Sharlet <[link removed]> , author of The Family <[link removed]> as well as an amazing new piece in Vanity Fair that takes a deep dive into the Cult of Trump. It's an illuminating and sobering interview, and one you'll want to share with anyone you know who thinks that Trump is a goner. Click to listen RIGHT NOW in your browser on the IXNAY PAC site <[link removed]> <[link removed]> Support the IXNAY podcast! <[link removed]> SPEAKING OF CULTS, WON’T YOU JOIN OURS? <[link removed]> Welcome to the IXNAY membership drive, but it's not one of those where we interrupt the classical music for 10 or 15 minutes of blah blah blah–we’re here with an exclusive offer to make you be a card-carrying member of IXNAY, a group that's subversive but not yet outlawed by the Trump administration. And because this is our Initial Membership Offer, for as little as $10, we'll send you a spiffy IXNAY membership card good for impressing fellow travelers and caging discounts anywhere independent thinkers can be coerced. Our core political belief–that chaos is as important as order–offers a flexibility of thinking unapproached by rival political action committees, or even most secret societies. So while we might not be the Masters of Atlantis, with your help, we could become the largest anti-Trump membership organization in America. So what are you waiting for? Get the Voter ID card your parents warned you about and let us IXNAY your troubles away! <[link removed]> IXNAY Membership - Palladium Level <[link removed]> Claim your exclusive IXNAY membership card with a contribution of $10. $10.00 DONATE $10 <[link removed]> IXNAY Membership - Palladium Level <[link removed]> Claim your exclusive IXNAY membership card with a contribution of $10. $10.00 DONATE $10 <[link removed]> IXNAY Membership - Osmium Level <[link removed]> Claim your exclusive IXNAY membership card with a contribution of $25 $25.00 Shop <[link removed]> <[link removed]> IXNAY Membership - Osmium Level <[link removed]> Claim your exclusive IXNAY membership card with a contribution of $25 $25.00 Shop <[link removed]> <[link removed]> IXNAY Membership - Iridium Level <[link removed]> Claim your exclusive IXNAY membership card with a contribution of $50. $50.00 DONATE $50 <[link removed]> IXNAY Membership - Iridium Level <[link removed]> Claim your exclusive IXNAY membership card with a contribution of $50. $50.00 DONATE $50 <[link removed]> IXNAY Membership - Ruthenium Level <[link removed]> Claim your exclusive IXNAY membership card with a contribution of $100. $100.00 DONATE $100 <[link removed]> <[link removed]> IXNAY Membership - Ruthenium Level <[link removed]> Claim your exclusive IXNAY membership card with a contribution of $100. $100.00 DONATE $100 <[link removed]> <[link removed]> IXNAY Membership - Gold Level <[link removed]> Claim your exclusive IXNAY membership card with a contribution of $250 $250.00 DONATE $250 <[link removed]> IXNAY Membership - Gold Level <[link removed]> Claim your exclusive IXNAY membership card with a contribution of $250 $250.00 DONATE $250 <[link removed]> IXNAY Membership - Platinum Level <[link removed]> Claim your exclusive IXNAY membership card with a contribution of $500 $500.00 JOIN FOR $500 <[link removed]> <[link removed]> IXNAY Membership - Platinum Level <[link removed]> Claim your exclusive IXNAY membership card with a contribution of $500 $500.00 JOIN FOR $500 <[link removed]> <[link removed]> IXNAY Membership - Rhodium Level <[link removed]> Claim your exclusive IXNAY membership card with a contribution of $1000. $1,000.00 DONATE $1000 <[link removed]> IXNAY Membership - Rhodium Level <[link removed]> Claim your exclusive IXNAY membership card with a contribution of $1000. $1,000.00 DONATE $1000 <[link removed]> Prefer to join via ActBlue? Click here. <[link removed]> IXNAY PAC IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENT OF THIS ADVERTISING. PAID FOR BY IXNAY PAC. NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE OR CANDIDATE’S COMMITTEE. WWW.IXNAYPAC.ORG <[link removed]> <[link removed]> <[link removed]> <[link removed]> IXNAY PAC, P.O. Box 220534, Brooklyn, NY 11222, USA Unsubscribe <[link removed]>
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  • Political Party: n/a
  • Country: United States
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